Following are few customized themes for DMASOFTLAB Radius manager , Designed by various web developers.
- Digital Theme [Responsive as well, made by KANGNDO]
- Green Theme
- Blue Theme
General Steps to install theme
I assume you have DMASoftlab Radius Manager 4.1.x version installed and must be fully functional.
- Download the theme file, unrar it in any temporary folder. you can use `tar zxvf filename.tar.gz /destination_folder`
- Copy (or let’s say Overwrite) all the contents including files/folders from the (unzipped) folder name
(or for CENTOS, its/var/www/html/radiusmanager
). You cancp -vr syntax /source /target
- Clear the browser cache, and reload the ACP administration control panel) page.
1- Digital Theme
Download Link: Radius Manager KANGNDO Theme Official Link
Sample Images:
2- Green Theme
Will update more later
Syed Jahanzaib
Filed under: Radius Manager