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Mikrotik script to monitor local device with optional SMS alert


Note to Self:

Following is a simple script I made to monitor local device & upon status change, it will send SMS only. It was customized according to local requirements. You can refine at , add remove any option as per taste. There are lot of good working scripts available on the internet. Just try not to blindly copy paste any one else script. Read it many times until you understand clearly what its made for & what functions it will perform. I have added some comments for the clarity.

Script, Script, Why use Script ?

Why use such complicated scripts while you can do this easily with builtin net-watch or windows base applications like the Dude, or Nix base Nagios, and so many other tools? the answer is simple, using script you have more Power, more control, more maneuverability , customized bizarre and strange actions you can take. Above all, Learning & feeling of Power you have over the system 🙂 this alone justification is enough for me to use scripting 🙂

Thank you
~Syed Jahanzaib~

Script Output Examples:

When Device is DOWN …

1- deviec down


When Device is UP (restored) …

2- deviec up


Example of SMS received:

2017-07-26 13.44.01

the Script !

# This is Mikrotik Script for Local Device Link monitoring by IP
# - with Optional SMS Alert. We are using local Linux base KANNEL
# You can modify it to add EMAIL alerts as well using GMAIL or local Mail Gw.
# system as SMS gateway with local modem attached
# Script By Syed Jahanzaib / # https://aacable.wordpress.com
# Email : aacable at hotmail dot com
# Script Last Modified : 26-July-2017

# Set Device IP here
:global DEVICE1host1 ""

#:log warning "Checking status of Ubnt Device $DEVICE1host1 by ping ..."

:local i 0;
:local F 0;
:local date;
:local time;
:set date [/system clock get date];
:set time [/system clock get time];

:global DEVICE1LanStatus;
:global DEVICE1LanLastChange;

# Company Name, Dont use SPACEC Here, because our KANNEL system dont liek spaces, use + sign instead
# Dont use SPACEC Here, because our KANNEL system dont liek spaces, use + sign instead
:local DEVNAME "MailServer"

# Setting Date Time variables
:local sub1 ([/system identity get name])
:local sub2 ([/system clock get date])
:local sub3 ([/system clock get time])

# Number of Ping Count, how many times mikrotik should ping the target device
:local PINGCOUNT "5"
# Ping threshold
:local PINGTS "5"

# Provide details of Kannel SMS gateway, ID pass, and cell numbers on which sms is required
:local KURL "http://KANNEL-GW-IP-OR-NAME:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms"
:local KID "kannel"
:local cell1 "03333021909"

# SMS Msg format for Kannel SMS gateway (donot use spaces in it)

# LOG error
:local DOWNLOG1 "$COMPANY ALERT: $DEVNAME with IP $DEVICE1host1 is now DOWN ..."
:local UPLOG1 "$COMPANY INFO: $DEVNAME with IP $DEVICE1host1 is now UP ..."

# Start the SCRIPT

# If Script is running for the first time , consider target device UP,
# Just to avoid any errors in the script dueto empty variable.
:if ([:len $DEVICE1LanStatus] = 0) do={
:set DEVICE1LanStatus "UP";

# PING each host $PINGCOUNT times
:for i from=1 to=$PINGCOUNT do={
if ([/ping $DEVICE1host1 count=1]=0) do={:set F ($F + 1)}
:delay 1;

# If no response (all ping counts fails for both hosts, Time out, then LOG down status and take action
:if (($F=$PINGTS)) do={
:if (($DEVICE1LanStatus="UP")) do={

# If the link is down, then LOG warning in Mikrotik LOG window [Zaib]
:log error "$DOWNLOG1";
:set DEVICE1LanStatus "DOWN";
# Also add status in global variables to be used as tracking
:set date [/system clock get date];
:set time [/system clock get time];
:set DEVICE1LanLastChange ($time . " " . $date);
# Send SMS via KANNEL for DOWN Status
:log warning "Sending SMS for DOWN status of $DEVNAME $DEVICE1host1 ..."
/tool fetch url="$KURL\?username=$KID&password=$KPASS&to=$cell1&text=$MSGDOWNSMS"

# If ping reply received, then LOG UP and take action as required
} else={:set DEVICE1LanStatus "DOWN";}
} else={
:if (($DEVICE1LanStatus="DOWN")) do={
# If link is UP, then LOG info and warning in Mikrotik LOG window [Zaib]
:log warning "$UPLOG1"
:set DEVICE1LanStatus "UP";

# Send SMS via KANNEL for UP Status
:log warning "Sending SMS for UP status of $DEVNAME $DEVICE1host1 ..."
/tool fetch url="$KURL\?username=$KID&password=$KPASS&to=$cell1&text=$MSGUPSMS"
:set date [/system clock get date];
:set time [/system clock get time];
:set DEVICE1LanLastChange ($time . " " . $date);

} else={:set DEVICE1LanStatus "UP";}

# Script ends here ...

Filed under: Mikrotik Related

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