Disclaimer: This post is shared just for reference & learning purposes.
We are using Freeradius server which uses mySQL as its backend DB. Ideally the mysql server should have replica server so that if Primary goes down dueto any fault, the secondary replica should come in action.
For high availability purposes we we want to have a standby server. Mysql Master-Slave or Master-Master replication is ideal for real time replication. We successfully implemented this model at few sites, but yes replication requires constant monitoring, and at one place the secondary replica server backfired & caused data loss.
For one particular Remote Site we wanted to avoid the complications of REPLICATION. What we wanted is a standby server, and the DB from primary should be exported to secondary replica server daily in morning and emails for the actions taken by the script should be emailed to us.
We made custom script that is running successfully from quite some time.
The BASH script performs following function …
- Checks secondary server PING response
- Check secondary server SSH access
- Checks primary server MYSQL DB access
- Checks secondary server MYSQL DB access
- Check if exported DB is of valid size, (I set it to min 10 KB, yes you may want to adjust it according to your setup)
- If all OK, then export primary server DB, and import it to secondary server
Script Requirements:
- Sendemail tool to send email alerts/info
- passwordless login to secondary server (using SSH keys)
BASH Script Code:
- touch /temp/update_radius_from_10.0.0.1__TO__192.168.0.1.sh
- chmod +x /temp/update_radius_from_10.0.0.1__TO__192.168.0.1.sh
- nano /temp/update_radius_from_10.0.0.1__TO__192.168.0.1.sh
#!/bin/bash #set -x # Version 1.0 / 10-July-2019 # Syed Jahanzaib / Web: https://aacable.wordpress.com / Email: aacable@hotmail.com # This script exports mysqldb and restores it to second remote server # Requires passwordless login on remote server using SSH keys # Settings various VARIABLES for the script # adding dns for resolving echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf #SET DATE TIME set $(date) time=`date |awk '{print $4}'` YESTERDAY=`date --date='yesterday' +%Y-%m-%d` IP1= IP2= IP2ROLE="RADIUS" IP2_SSH_PORT=22 SQL_DIR="sql_replica" #MYSQL DETAILS SQLUSER="root" SQLPASS="MYPASSWORD" export MYSQL_PWD=$SQLPASS CMD="mysql -u$SQLUSER --skip-column-names -s -e" DB="radius" FILE="/$SQL_DIR/$YESTERDAY.ip.$IP1.sql" GMAILID="MYGMAILID@gmail.com" GMAILPASS="PASSWD" ADMINMAIL1="ADMINMAIL1@hotmail.com" COMPANY="zaib (Pvt) Ltd." RESULT="/tmp/$IP2.$IP2ROLE.txt" PING_ATTEMPTS="2" PING_RESULT="/tmp/$IP2.$IP2ROLE.ping.result.txt" IP2_SSH_CHK="/tmp/$IP2.ssh.chk.txt" touch $RESULT touch $PING_RESULT > $RESULT > $PING_RESULT rm /$SQL_DIR/*.sql # Test PING to device count=$(ping -c $PING_ATTEMPTS $IP2 | awk -F, '/received/{print $2*1}') if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then echo "- $COMPANY ALERT: $IP2 - $IP2ROLE is not responding to PING Attempts, cannot continue without it , Please check !" echo "- $COMPANY ALERT: $IP2 - $IP2ROLE is not responding to PING Attempts, cannot continue without it , Please check !" > $PING_RESULT sendemail -t $email -u "ALERT: $IP2 $IPROLE NOT RESPONDING!" -o tls=yes -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -t $ADMINMAIL1 -xu $GMAILID -xp $GMAILPASS -f $GMAILID -o message-file=$PING_RESULT -o message-content-type=text exit 1 fi echo "- PING Result to $IP2 : OK" echo "- PING Result to $IP2 : OK" >> $RESULT #Cehck if SSH is accessible scp -q -P $IP2_SSH_PORT root@$IP2:/etc/lsb-release $IP2_SSH_CHK # Verify if file is downloaded from remote server via ssh if [ ! -f $IP2_SSH_CHK ]; then echo -e "- $COMPANY ALERT: $IP2 - $IP2ROLE is not responding to SSH ACCESS, cannot continue without it , Please check !" exit 1 fi echo -e "- SSH Access to $IP2 Result: OK" echo -e "- SSH Access to $IP2 Result: OK" >> $RESULT # Check if $DB (in this case radius )is accessible or not, if NOT, then exit the script RESULT_DB_CHK=`$CMD "SHOW DATABASES LIKE '$DB'"` if [ "$RESULT_DB_CHK" != "$DB" ]; then echo "- ALERT: $IP2 - DB $DB not accessible." echo "- ALERT: $IP2 - DB $DB not accessible." >> $RESULT sendemail -t $email -u "- ALERT: $IP2 - DB $DB not accessible" -o tls=yes -t $ADMINMAIL1 -xu $GMAILID -xp $GMAILPASS -f $GMAILID -o message-file=$RESULT -o message-content-type=text exit 1 fi echo "- $DB - Database accessed OK" >> $RESULT ############################################# ######## START the BACKUP PROCESS ... ####### ############################################# # Checking if $SQL_DIR folder is previously present or not . . . { if [ ! -d "/$SQL_DIR" ]; then echo -e "- ALERT: /$SQL_DIR folder not found, Creating it MYSQL EXPORT/DUMP backup should be placed there . . ." mkdir /$SQL_DIR else echo -e "- INFO: $SQL_DIR folder is already present , so no need to create it, Proceeding further . . ." fi } mysqldump -u$SQLUSER -p$SQLPASS --ignore-table={radius.radacct} $DB > $FILE # CHECK FILE SIZE AND COMPARE, IF ITS LESS , THEN ALERT SIZE=`ls -lh $FILE | awk '{print $5}'` SIZEB=`ls -l $FILE | awk '{print $5}'` if [ $SIZEB -lt 1 ] then echo "- ALERT: DMA REPLICA failed on $IP1 - Size = $SIZE OR $SIZEB Bytes" echo "- ALERT: DMA REPLICA failed on $IP1 - Size = $SIZE OR $SIZEB Bytes" >> $RESULT sendemail -t $email -u "DMA REPLICA ALERT for $YESTERDAY / Size=$SIZE" -o tls=yes -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -t $ADMINMAIL1 -xu $GMAILID -xp $GMAILPASS -f $GMAILID -o message-file=$RESULT -o message-content-type=text exit 1 else echo "- BACKUP file name $FILE Size is $SIZE" echo "- BACKUP file name $FILE Size is $SIZE" >> $RESULT fi #ssh -p $IP2_SSH_PORT root@$IP2 mkdir /$SQL_DIR #scp -P $IP2_SSH_PORT $FILE_FINAL root@$IP2:/$SQL_DIR #ssh -p $IP2_SSH_PORT root@$IP2 ls -lh /$SQL_DIR # Import file in secondary radius #ssh -p $IP2_SSH_PORT root@$IP2 "mysql -u$SQLUSER -p$SQLPASS $DB < $FILE #mysql -h $IP2 -u$SQLUSER -p$SQLPASS $DB < $FILE ssh -p $IP2_SSH_PORT root@$IP2 mysql -u$SQLUSER -p$SQLPASS $DB output sendemail -t $email -u "INFO: DMA Replica Report OK: From $IP1 to $IP2 - $YESTERDAY" -o tls=yes -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -t $ADMINMAIL1 -xu $GMAILID -xp $GMAILPASS -f $GMAILID -o message-file=$RESULT -o message-content-type=text rm $IP2_SSH_CHK rm $RESULT rm $PING_RESULT rm $FILE
Email Report Sample:
Cron schedule to run the script Daily at 7am
00 07 * * * /temp/update_radius_from_10.0.0.1__TO__192.168.0.1.sh
Syed Jahanzaib