Following script was made for DMA Radius Manager 4.1.x. It can delete X months old Expired users record from the mysql DB.
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#!/bin/sh #set -x SQLPASS="MYSQLPASSW0RD" MONTHSNUMBER="2" export MYSQL_PWD=$SQLPASS > /tmp/expired.users.txt ###mysql -uroot -e "use radius; select username from rm_users where expiration BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2019-04-30';" |sort > /tmp/expired.users.txt # Fetch users who have expired 2 months ago & before, (using expired date), BE CAREFUL WHEN USING THIS mysql -uroot -e "use radius; select username from rm_users where expiration /tmp/expired.users.txt num=0 cat /tmp/expired.users.txt | while read users do num=$[$num+1] USERNAME=`echo $users | awk '{print $1}'` # Start Deleting account records ... echo "$USERNAME ---- user record from all relevant tables" mysql -uroot -e "use radius; DELETE FROM rm_cards WHERE cardnum = '$USERNAME';" mysql -uroot -e "use radius; DELETE FROM rm_users WHERE username = '$USERNAME';" mysql -uroot -e "use radius; DELETE FROM rm_changesrv WHERE username = '$USERNAME';" mysql -uroot -e "use radius; DELETE FROM radcheck WHERE username = '$USERNAME';" mysql -uroot -e "use radius; DELETE FROM radacct WHERE username = '$USERNAME';" mysql -uroot -e "use radius; DELETE FROM rm_radacct WHERE username = '$USERNAME';" done